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Taycan Weltpremiere


The Porsche Taycan is the most important car for Porsche AG since the Porsche 911 and heralded the age of e-mobility with its appearance. This world premiere was therefore not only the introduction of a new car, but also symbolized the transformation of the Porsche company. In order to express this message, the world premiere took place simultaneously on three continents – in the most important markets.


Niagara Falls in Canada, the airport in Neuhardenberg near Berlin and a beach on Pingtan Island in China were selected for the temporary event structures. Spectators on three continents experienced a media production at the same time, which was closely connected to Porsche's entire Taycan communication. The soul residing in every Porsche became "Soul, electrified". During the reveal of the Porsche Taycan, the back walls of the stages surprisingly opened, exposing spectacular sets. The hydropower of Niagara Falls, the solar park in Berlin and the wind turbines in China provided a threefold big picture: the Porsche Taycan in the presence of renewable energies.

The livestream was a second event during the world premiere. All three events were united here by moderator Mark Webber. He welcomed the digital participants, initiated the presentations on the three continents and provided background information on Porsche and the locations.


In line with Porsche's sustainability strategy, the event was planned and counterbalanced CO2-neutral. It brought together Porsche fans across the globe in a mutual experience. The images of the Porsche Taycan in front of the theme of renewable energies criss-crossed the world. Instead of just one, three big pictures were created.

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